Buying a Property- Things To Check

When buying an investment property, there is a lot that you may need to consider. This is a big decision, and you cannot go into it blindly. It may be a smart financial decision on your part, but if you fail to make the right one, you may end up having to face a lot of loss. In that case, you must need thoroughly check your investment property for a variety of factors before you make a choice.

Things To Check When Buying Investment Property

Here are some things you must look out for when buying an investment property.

  • Location

The investment property's location is a major determinant of its value. The better your location is, the better you expect the profits to be. Properties that are in highly reputed locations often have higher values, and that can be a great aspect for you as an investor. Many experts say that you must consider the location first before choosing a property. This way, even if the property is not highly valued, it will still be profitable because of the location. The location can also help you learn if a residential electrician is nearby, which is always a benefit.

  • Condition of The House

The next most important thing to keep in mind is the house's condition. If the house is not in the best condition, you may have to pay a lot to make all the repairs. When investing in a property, take a thorough look at all the different aspects, such as the condition of the walls and the ceilings. You must also make sure all the utilities are up and running so that you don't have to work hard in restoring the property.

You may not be planning to live here, but you still need to focus on the property features, such as the bathrooms and other aspects that increase its value. You can call in different experts to help evaluate your property.

  • Property Taxes

If the property is heavily taxed, then that will be coming out of your profits. It is a better idea for you to choose properties that have a lower tax; you can usually find such properties in rural areas. There is no use in paying high taxes if they go out of your pocket.

  • Electrical Condition

Electrical issues can give you the most trouble when buying an investment property. As an investor, it is your job to ensure that the home you buy has good electrical work; otherwise, you may suffer the consequences. The best way to deal with this is to get an electrical inspection. You must take help from the best experts in the business, and for that, you can contact Kato Electrical.  Our residential electrical panel features experts in the field, and we can help you get the best electrical inspection to determine whether the property is worth your investment.

Here are some of the most common electrical issues that may turn up in an electrical inspection:

1.      Faulty Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are one of the most important electrical components of a property. This device is the first thing that will protect your property against electrical issues such as current overload and short circuits. This is why Kato electrical makes sure that we go through all of your circuit breakers to ensure that they are not faulty.

If a circuit breaker trips regularly, you need to be careful as there may be an underlying electrical problem. During an electrical inspection, our team of residential electricians will inspect all the circuit breakers and all the other wirings to ensure that they are in the best working conditions. If you have already bought the property, we can help you with all the repairs.

2.      Electricity Surges

The common reason for electricity surges is usually the ups and downs of electrical power. There can be several reasons why you are experiencing electrical surges. When you get an electrical inspection, the expert will look for all possible reasons and give you all the information you need to decide on the investment property.

The home you buy should have surge protectors, or you will have to buy them yourself.

3.      Dead Outlets

If there are fewer electrical outlets, it is possible for all your existing outlets to overload. This can lead to many dangerous situations, so our residential electrical panel makes sure that homes have plenty of outlets so you don't end up overpowering a single outlet.

If there are outlets that have simply stopped working, then it is possible that the outlet has burned out or had faulty wiring. An electrical inspection will carefully take a look at all the dead outlets and inform you whether the property has good electric work or not.

4.      Bad Wiring

Your investment property needs to have the right wiring. If the property is old or if the previous owners hired amateur electricians to work on the wiring, then it is a possibility that your investment property may not have the best wiring. This can pose a big threat to your property as bad wiring can result in dangerous situations such as a fire.

5.      Flipped Wired Switches

This is also a very common problem where the switch's wires are flipped. This is because homeowners may have tried to fix the wiring themselves and end up in a situation where they reverse the switch's polarity. This usually happens when they mistakenly flip the neutral and hot wires around. This can cause a shock hazard.

6.      Service Panel Electrical Issues

Our residential electrical panel will look for faults in the service panel. This is where you may find the most problems. The electrical issues may include things like breaker problems and other damage that you can easily see on the surface of the electrical panel. You may also find incorrect wiring diagrams that are easily identifiable during an inspection.

7.      Lost Covers

All of your electrical switches and other junction boxes should be covered. During the inspection, the residential electrical panel can look for all the electrical outlets that are not covered. For safety, all the switches and outlets need to have covers, or you can be exposed to live circuits. This may also result in electrical shocks.

8.      Buried Wires

Wires underground must be buried properly so that they are not exposed to different elements such as humans, animals, or other breakages. If you hire an inexperienced electrician, they may bury the wire improperly. They may not take note of the depth, or they may not use the right conductors to ensure there are no mishaps. During the inspection, electricians will figure out if there are any improperly buried wires so that you may be careful of them when buying the investment property.

9.      GFI Outlet Issues

If there are faulty GFI outlets, that can be a major concern for you. You need to replace all the faulty GFI outlets, and if you get an electrical inspection, your electrician will be able to find out all GFI outlets that have faults. If you come to Kato Electrical for help, we can easily replace your GFI outlets for you as we have the best-licensed experts.

If they are in good shape, then that means that the previous owners have been using the outlets in the best ways possible.

10.  Permanent Use Of Extension Cords

Extension cords are not for permanent use. They are best suited for temporary use that helps you get a quick solution. If you see that numerous extension cords in the house are in permanent use, then there are not enough electrical outlets, and the owners were misusing their electrical outlets.

This is usually very common in older homes as some of their electrical outlets might have completely given out.

There are several things that you may find out about the electrical work of the investment property you are interested in. This is why it is best to hire a residential electrical panel to help you take a look at all the different aspects of the electrical state of the property so that you can make a sound decision.

Other than that, always be sure to look at every aspect of an investment property before deciding. Do not make rushed decisions as they can impact your profits. After you have completely weighed all pros and cons, decide whether you wish to invest in the property or not. Take the factors mentioned above into account, and you will be able to get your hands on a property that brings you high profit!


Arthur Kavanagh