Benefits Of Electrical Service Upgrades

Have you been considering an electrical service upgrade? Well, Kato Electrical can help! An electrical service upgrade is not an easy task; it requires you to replace several electrical components completely.

If you have been experiencing electrical problems in the past few years, then perhaps this is the best time to get an electrical upgrade. Even if you are not currently facing any problems, it is best to get a service upgrade before you do. Many do not look for a service upgrade before it is too late. Putting off electrical upgrades can bring much bigger problems. Therefore, you need to hire a residential electrician and get an electrical upgrade.

Why Do You Need Electrical Service Upgrades?

If the electric service in your home still needs upgrading, you can experience several problems. For instance, you may have a bad fuse box, breakers that trip, and smoky outlets, to name a few. Here are some reasons why you need an electrical upgrade:

  • Smelly/ Discolored Outlets

If your outlets give off a bad smell, a wire is likely burning inside. Do not ignore a smelly outlet since it can lead to bigger problems. One of the reasons for smelly outlets includes excess heat from excess current running through the wires.

Suppose there is a continuous flow of high current, then it can make your outlets discolor. Smelly or discolored outlets are dangerous, and one way to fix them is by having a service upgrade.

  • Tripping Breakers

You may be tired of going to the circuit breaker now and then to fix your breakers. There may be a reason why your circuit is tripping breakers now and then. You may have a high current flowing through your wires and tripping breakers. Do not use different DYI tricks to keep the circuit breaker open. Instead, go for a permanent and safer solution, such as hiring a residential electrician and getting an electrical service upgrade.

If you do not pay attention to your circuit breaker, the constant flow of excess current can melt the wiring and cause a fire. You can prevent a fire from breaking out today by contacting Kato Electrical.

  • Flickering Lights

If you turn on any of your appliances and your lights start to flicker, this is a clear sign that your home needs an electrical upgrade. The circuit may not be able to handle different appliances, and this can cause greater problems. To stop the flickering of lights, you may need an electrical upgrade, and Kato Electrical can help you with that!

  • Age of Electrical Panels

Usually, an electrical system works optimally for 20 years or so. If your home is very old, your electrical work may be old too. Older electrical panels cannot cater to new technology and are unsafe compared to modern iterations. If your electrical panels are very old, you should opt for an upgrade and get modern solutions.

  • Power Surges

If you have an outdated electrical panel, you may experience high power surges, damaging your appliances. Since these electrical panels cannot handle the excess power, you should replace them.

  • Low Power

If you have an old electrical panel, it may not supply adequate power to your appliances. Older versions can output 60 amps, which is too low for most appliances today. For modern appliances, you need at least 200 amps to power your appliances.

  • High Electrical Bills

Old electrical panels are not as energy efficient as you might want, increasing the electrical bills. Nobody wants to pay a higher electric bill. Instead, they would prefer an electrical system that is more efficient, saving them money on their electrical bills. Kato Electrical can help you connect with a residential electrician who can give you an electrical service upgrade.

Advantages Of Electrical Service Upgrades

If you contact Kato Electrical and get a residential electrician to help you with your electrical service upgrades, you will reap the following benefits:

  • Safety

Faulty electrical work can pose great dangers to the safety of not just your home but also you and your loved ones. If the electrical panel is old, it may be unable to handle the electrical demands of the modern home. You may have several electrical appliances in your home, and to ensure that all of them get sufficient power, the electrical panel should provide 200 amps. If not, it can electrocute people or cause electrical fires.

The age-old electrical panel is not a good fit for homes today, and you must replace them with more efficient options. New electrical panels keep your home safe, but they can also help assure your insurance claims. If you have a reduced risk of fires and other hazards, your homeowner's insurance rate may reduce significantly.

Reducing safety risks can help you ensure that your home is as safe as possible.

  • More Circuits

Currently, you may have a lack of circuits for your electrical appliances. Many people tend to overpower their panels, and this can cause electrical fires. If you get a service upgrade, you will also get more outlets that you can use to plug your electrical appliances, and these panels can help you distribute your electrical power evenly. With an upgrade, you can even add specific circuits for your heavy-duty appliances, such as air conditioners, water heaters, and more. Your old electrical panel may not handle all the power demands of your electrical appliances. Therefore, you must replace your electrical panel.

  • Power Consistency

Inconsistency in power can be very dangerous for your home and electrical appliances. For instance, inconsistent power can cause your circuits to overload and trip breakers. Your modern devices and appliances require a lot of power, and the old electrical panels cannot handle them. Therefore, you must get a new power panel to handle the high power demand. To keep your appliances safe, you need a steadier power supply, which means that a new electrical service upgrade is the best option.

  • Value Increase

If you have a very old electrical system, the value of your home will decrease, and that means that your home will not sell for a lot. If you are planning to sell your home, you may want to consider getting a service upgrade. A service upgrade gives your home a new electrical system, and that will increase the value of your home significantly.

  • Lower Electrical Bills

A new electrical panel will be more efficient, and this means that it will use less electric power compared to your old electric panels. An efficient electric panel will ensure that you get lower electrical bills. Old electrical panels often use up a lot of power without you changing any of your electrical power. This states that even if you do not make any changes in your electrical power, you may still pay a much larger bill.

What To Look For When Hiring A Residential Electrician?

It is very important for you to hire an expert to help you with your electrical service upgrades. You cannot rely on inexperienced individuals to do the job right and give you the services you are looking for. There are several things for you to consider before hiring a residential electrician, such as:

·         Experience

The candidate must have experience dealing with the job you offer. If you get an inexperienced electrician, they can make matters worse.

·         Qualification

Without the right qualification, your electrician might not know what to do, which is why you must always ask for qualification before hiring them.

·         Professional Attitude

The electrician should be extremely professional in their attitude so that they can get the work done without any hassle.

·         Customer Reviews

Reading reviews can help you decide if other customers have had a good experience with the electrician and if they will prove to be useful to you.

·         Licenses And Insurances

Without the right licenses and insurances electricians cannot practice, make sure that your expert has the right ones.

Why Do You Need To Contact Kato Electrical?

Kato Electrical is a company that offers the help of the most experienced residential electricians who can help you replace your electrical panels. They can easily replace your electrical panels with a 200amps system so that you can run whatever electrical appliance you want without any worries.

You need to stay ahead of your electrical work. Ignoring your home's electrical needs can only make things worse. You should reach out to an expert who can help you in the best ways possible.

Kato Electrical provides you with just the services you need. With our team of reliable electricians, you can get the best services at the best prices. All you need to do is reach out to us, and we will make sure that your home has the best electrical work and offers safety against all possible hazards.

Schedule an appointment with our electrician today, and we will help you get rid of all your electrical problems.

Arthur Kavanagh