Electrical Transformer- All You Need to Know

What is an Electrical Transformer?

People who do not know much about electricity might not know what a transformer is. An electric transformer is a machine that helps transfer electricity from one circuit to another. This transfer is with the help of fluctuating voltage and no frequency alterations.

The power during this transfer can increase and decrease. The electricity is transmitted with the help of electromagnetic induction. The induction takes place in a coil of wire that induces a magnetic voltage and a current supply in the other wire coil that is nearby.

With the help of a transformer, you can step up or down the current levels. The electrical transformer is used in residential and industrial electrical work. They can be complex to understand for the layman. This is why if you need any help with an electrical transformer, you must let an electrician Vancouver help you out! Kato Electrical provides the most refined electrical help to those in need!

What Exactly does an Electrical Transformer do?

Electrical transformers transfer electricity with several intricate functions and features. The transformer works with the help of two windings that are primary and secondary winding. The primary winding is linked to the source of electricity and takes up the power. On the other hand, the secondary winding is the other end of the transformer and is responsible for delivering power.

The two windings have a magnetic core between them, and there is a flux linkage between them. You can observe the changes in the flux linkage of different rates.

To get an alternating flux, the alternating voltage can be attached to the primary winding. This means that both the windings are linked with each other and create an electromagnetic force that helps produce a load current.

This is how an electrical transformer works to transmit AC power between circuits. The EMF is induced in the second winding, and this is how the power is transformed by converting electrical energy's value.

Electrical transformers can be used to raise and decrease the voltage levels in an AC circuit. It further affects the value of the capacitor or an inductor by increasing or decreasing them. The transformer prevents the direct passage of current from one circuit to another and isolates the two circuits.

What are the Types of Electrical Transformer

There are multiple types of transformers; let's take a look at them:

  • Power Transformer

A power transformer is responsible for transferring electricity from a generator to other distribution circuits. The job of a power transformer is to step up the generator voltage output to meet the transmission system's voltage level.

  • Autotransformer

The autotransformers are large power transformers, and they are largely used for stepping up and stepping down the inter-tie transmission. The inter-tie transformer helps AC networks of various voltages connect with one another, and that is one of the most powerful networks.

  • Generator Step-up Transformer

The generator step-up transformer is just as the name suggests. It is a transformer used to step up voltage from a generator to the highest voltage exclusively for a transmission grid. These transformers are operated with a constant load close to its rating.

What Causes an Electrical Transformer to Fail

There are many different reasons an electrical transformer can fail, and some of the most common reasons include lightning strikes, wear and tear and power surges. If there is bad weather and excessive lightning strikes, that too can cause an electrical transformer to fail.

Transformers are made of mineral oil, which keeps them as cool as possible. However, when there is a power surge or the transformer gets overcharged, the wiring can heat up and cause a spark.

The high power can cause your electrical transformer to rupture, and this usually happens with a very loud bang. There are also high risks of the transformer catching fire. There can be a lot of smoke, and the cloud can be seen from a great distance.

Line surges are one of the most common causes of transformer failures, which is why you must keep a constant check on the surge in electrical power. You can also contact an electrician to help you out with that. Contact Kato Electrical today, and we will send the electrician Vancouver your way!

What to do When a Transformer Fails?

The failure of a transformer can lead to a complete blackout of the area. If you witness the failure of a transformer, the very first thing you need to do is report it to the authorities. As the situation can escalate, the best thing to do is to call emergency numbers and an electrician Vancouver right away. Only the experts will be able to handle a situation like this, and you won't know what to do. This is why calling in an expert can help tackle the situation in the best ways possible.

Is it Safe to Touch an Electrical Transformer?

The body of an electrical transformer is grounded; this means that there is no current in the body which means that you can touch it with your bare hands. However, you mustn't touch the terminals of the electrical transformer with your bare hands as that can cause electrocution.

Safety Tips for Transformers

Whenever working with any electrical device, it is very important to ensure that you take all necessary safety precautions. Here are some safety tips you can use:

·         Regularly inspect your transformer to make sure there are no breakdowns. Check your transformer to sniff if there is any foul smell. If there are any problems with your transformer, there may be a burnt smell. There can be other issues with your transformer, such as damaged power cords.

·         When working with a power transformer, it is important to keep the power off so that there is no electricity in the transformer when you are working on it. If you keep the power on, there are chances of electrical leaks and other continuity problems.

·         Keep a close eye on the transformer's ratings to see that they stay within safe numbers.

·         You must also know the maximum voltage requirements of your transformer so that you do not overload a single transformer. A single transformer should not overload as it takes multiple transformers to bear the impedance of each load.

·         Make sure that the transformer is grounded so that there is no static electricity, and the coils are protected.

·         You must be very careful to avoid any moisture near the transformer as that can cause problems.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Transformer

When buying a transformer, there are several factors that you must consider. If you want an expert to help you, you must contact Kato Electrical and get their expert assistance.

Following are the factors you must consider before buying a transformer:


You can either get a single-phase transformer or a three-phase transformer. The phase you choose depends on the equipment you have. A transformer can't change between phases, and this is why it is very important to have the right one.

Load Voltage

This is the voltage requirement of the equipment that you connect to the transformer from the side of the output. Make sure you get the one that meets your equipment’s requirements.

Input Voltage

The input voltage is the power supply you get from your facility. This power supply needs to match the voltage of your transformer, or it can cause problems.


You can find transformers of different sizes; they come in VA or KVA. To avoid overloading it is important to create a buffer and use a larger unit.

Contact Kato Electrical Today!  

Transformers can be difficult to understand for people who are not from an electrical background. This is why you must contact an expert as soon as there is a need.

Kato Electrical offers the best help for people who need assistance with their transformers. Our electricians are trained and experienced to deal with all sorts of difficult situations. You can contact an electrician Vancouver anytime you want, and Kato Electrical will make sure all your electrical needs are catered to. If you are waiting to make a decision for your electrical transformer, let an expert help you out with their reliable advice.  

Reach out to us; our services are available round the clock for customers needing electrical assistance! Come to us with your problems and questions, and allow us to guide you accordingly.


Arthur Kavanagh