Should You Replace Your Old Appliances To Save Energy Bills?

Many people who are looking to save money try pinching pennies by lowering their energy bills. There are many ways to do this but the most common of them is by replacing old appliances with new ones. It is common knowledge that the older your appliances get the more energy they consume. This is why according to experts, it is best to replace your old appliances with new ones to save money. Many people might be wondering if old appliances actually consume more energy, let's address this first:

Do Old Appliances Consume More Energy?

When your electrical appliances age, they lose their efficiency and to function properly they start consuming a lot of energy. There can be several malfunctioning parts that result in the consumption of more energy. For instance, if the seal of the freezer is faulty, your freezer will have more cycles than it usually does. This can increase the consumption of energy as the freezer is overworking and using more power to cool the contents of your freezer. The energy consumption further increases during the summer months which is why you need to make a decision quick.

Moreover, the older appliances are made with old technology which is obviously less efficient than the newer ones. New technology is made with the concept of efficient use of energy. This means that it is a good option to leave your old devices in the past and get your hands on new ones that are more energy-efficient. The newer technology often comes with features that can reduce your energy bills to half of what you used to pay.

It is possible that you have already exhausted the life of an appliance and now you are overusing it. In such cases, it is best to get rid of your old appliances and replace them with new ones. You may not even know if your old appliance is consuming a lot of electricity but it is understood that after a certain period of time, your appliance might not perform optimally which is why you should consider replacing it. In comparison to this, new appliances come with many energy-efficient features that operate on their own to minimize your utility bills as much as they possibly can.

The biggest contributor to high energy bills are your refrigerator. The older your refrigerator gets the more energy it will consume. The ideal age for a refrigerator is up to 10 years. Even if your refrigerator is 5 years old, it will start consuming more energy. The amount of energy consumed increases a whopping 20% after 10 years and keeps on increasing till the time you replace it.

Can You Save A Considerable Amount of Money By Replacing Old Appliances?

Is replacing your old appliances going to make a big difference? This is a practical question as you must have a noticeable difference in the energy bills so that you are keener on the idea of replacing your appliances rather than just letting them be. Let's take a look at some of the most commonly overused appliances that consume a lot more energy as they age.

  • Television

The old versions of television consumed some of the most energy to run as they were very chunky and made with old high energy-consuming technology. With the new technology, televisions are more energy-efficient and take up only half the energy than they use to previously.

  • Washing Machines

Basically, your washing machines usually use energy according to the needs of your household. If you have a big household, the load of the laundry can contribute greatly to your energy bills. Previous models of washing machines came separately with dryers which meant that to dry your clothes you had to spend extra energy. That is no longer the case with new washing machines as they come with dryers.

These machines have shorter cycles and consume a lot less energy as compared to their older counterparts. They even have technology such as humidity sensing controls that switches off the dryer when the clothes are almost dry so that it does not use up a lot of energy. Furthermore, you may also find features like a high-speed spin cycle, motors, saving features.

  • Refrigerator

Older refrigerators consume 66% more energy than newer versions. Older refrigerators can have several different problems that cause them to consume more energy than they need and that can result in high energy bills. Now refrigerators come with technology like defrost that helps you save energy which can help you save up a lot of money on your energy bills.

If you opt for the right fridge that is energy conscious you can save more than half of your energy consumption.

  • Lights

Lighting is not a very talked-about energy consumer but if you have age-old lighting; you might be spending a lot of money on energy bills that you can save easily. The old lights may work fine but they are not as energy efficient as you would like them to be. Old lights are usually made of incandescent bulbs that consume a lot of energy.

On the other hand, people are not using LED bulbs that are very energy efficient and inexpensive to buy. Not only that but they also have better lighting that can help illuminate your home for a much lesser price as compared to the previous light bulbs.

How Long Should You Wait Before You Replace Your Appliances?

We know that buying a new appliance may not be as easy as you want which is why you need to make an informed decision whether or not you want to replace your old appliances or if they are good to run for a couple more years.

To help you decide whether you should toss out that appliance or not, here is how long your appliance should last you:

  • Furnace

Your furnace can give you 15 years if you use them in the best way possible.

  • Dryer

Dryers usually last 13 years if users take proper care of their maintenance.

  • Refrigerator

The maximum refrigerators can last you a good 10 - 13 years.

  • Washing Machine

 Washing machines work perfectly fine for 10 years if you take good care of them.

  • Dishwasher

9 years is the maximum you can squeeze out of your dishwasher before it is time to replace them.

  • Air Conditioner

Air conditioners can be some of the most long-lasting appliances as they give you good 15 years of optimal service.

  • Water Heater

For water heaters, you can count 10 years before it is time to change them.

  • Microwave Oven

Microwave ovens usually work perfectly fine for the first 9 years.

  • Electric Ranges

Electric ranges also last you a long time and can go up to 13 good years before you can think about replacing them.

These are the most energy-consuming appliances however, how long they last you typically depends on how you use them. If you take care of the appliances and get regular maintenance services then these appliances may even last you a long time.

Should You Get Repairs or Replace your Appliances?

Replacing your appliances may seem like a big decision which is why must make sure that it is the best decision you make. The one sure way to know whether you should repair or replace an appliance is by getting help from an expert. You can reach out to an Electrician with the right metrics to take a look at your appliance and decide whether it can be used for a couple more years.

There are many Electricians in your area that can help you make the decision and help you explain just what is wrong with your appliance. Usually, if the appliance is too old and has passed its age, your Electrician will suggest you make the switch and buy a new appliance.

Furthermore, if you are paying high energy bills and want to cut down on them significantly then, the best thing to do is to replace high energy-consuming and make a one-time investment by replacing the appliances. This will save you money in the longer run. However, there may be several things that could be hindering in you from buying a new machine. For instance, you might not have the finances to get a replacement right away, in such cases; it is a better option to get the required maintenance and extend the life of your appliances.

In Conclusion

If you want to save up a great deal of money on your energy bills then you must consider replacing all your appliances as they can be the reason why you spend a lot of money on bills. Get an expert to help you out and address the situation to the best of their knowledge. You may notice a significant change in your utility bills. Talk to an Electrician today and learn all the specifics according to the appliances you have at home. Make sure you choose the best experts to help you so that you make the right decisions and save up on your hard-earned money.

Arthur Kavanagh