Things to Be Careful About When Leaving Your Home

When going on vacation, you must leave all your worries behind you. That includes worrying about your utility bills. When leaving your home, you shouldn't have to worry about electrical problems or the electric bills that might accumulate while you are gone.

There are several things that you need to take care of when leaving for vacation and one of the most important things to keep in mind is to consider whether you want to switch off all your electric appliances or if you should shut off the circuit breaker entirely.

We have taken help from an electrician Vancouver to suggest what the best option for you is. Here are some questions you may have in your mind that you want an electrician Vancouver to address:

Should You Unplug All Of Your Appliances Before You Leave For Vacation?

While you are away, your home might still be using energy and you will have to pay for it when you get back. It is unfair to pay for energy you didn't use. There are several appliances that draw electricity even if they are not in use. For instance, if you have a microwave or a TV, you can expect them to draw electricity despite being idle. This concept is called the 'Phantom Consumption' and it amounts to a staggering 7 to 11% of your home's entire energy consumption. This is not only a waste of electricity but it is also going to cost you electric bills when you come back.

According to an experienced electrician Vancouver, the best way to avoid wastage of electricity is to unplug all your electric devices. Before you leave for your vacation, take a stroll in your home and unplug all the devices that are plugged in. This includes the fridge. You must empty out your fridge before you leave and unplug it as it draws the most electricity. A quick tip for you is to leave your fridge doors open while you are away as that will help you keep the bad smell away.

Other than that, you must unplug all other devices such as your computer, your air conditioner, and your chargers. Even if they are not being used currently, they still withdraw electricity. If you do not want to go through the trouble of unplugging all your appliances, you still have other options to ensure that your appliances do not use up energy.

Should You Just Flip The Main Breaker Of Your Home Instead Of Unplugging Your Appliances?

Why go through the trouble of unplugging every single appliance when you can simply flip the main circuit breaker of your home and remove the supply of current? It may seem like a great idea but there are some problems that may arise when you flip the breaker of your home for a long time.

It is true that your electricity usage will plummet down to zero when you flip the main breaker of your home. As there is no flow of electricity, even if there are electric appliances plugged into a socket, they will not be able to draw any electricity at all.

Many people avoid flipping the circuit breaker as they think it might cause great damage to the breaker. This is not entirely true as it does cause the breaker some damage but not as much as many people believe. If you shut off your circuit breaker every once in a while, you won't have to worry about any damages. However, our electrician Vancouver suggests that you don't flip your breaker whenever you leave your home for a small vacation.

Even if you flip your circuit breaker for a longer trip, you can expect some damages to your home and your appliances. For instance, if you turn off your circuit breaker for a longer period of time, it might not be the best decision for your water heater. It may not be able to tolerate the changes in the temperature when you are gone. The expansion and contraction of metal can cause many problems for your water heater. It can either loosen the fittings or cause them to completely tighten. Furthermore, if you are going away for the winters, you might expect the water pipes and tanks to completely freeze.

This is why you need to be very cautious before you decide whether you want to flip the circuit breaker or not. The maintenance of your home is in question if you choose to flip the circuit breaker. For instance, if you flip the circuit breaker and it is connected to a sump pump, then you might be putting your home in harm's way. Appliances like these are very important for the upkeep of your home and should keep running even if you are not home. You can contact an electrician Vancouver and see what they suggest. They can take a look at all the devices you have at home and if flipping the circuit breaker is a good option for you.

What Could Happen If You Forget And Leave The Power Running Into Your Home While You’re Away On Vacation?

Many people fail to see the importance of turning the power off when you leave for a vacation. There are several reasons why it is crucial to turn off the power if you forget to do so, you might face consequences like:

Wastage of Power

If you are someone who cares about the environment, you may not want to waste power. Leaving the power on in your home while you are away, means that you are wasting power. Since no one is home or using the power, it means that you are wasting it which can easily be stopped if you just remember to switch off the power before you leave. If you are going away for months, your house will use up a lot of power which can cause a great deal of wastage.

High Electricity Bills

As discussed earlier, there are several different devices that draw electricity if they are plugged in but not turned on. These devices can keep drawing electricity and increase your electric bills. You will find it off-putting when you have to pay for the electricity that you did not use. This is why it is a good idea to turn off the power supply so that you don't end up using a lot of electricity and bills do not pile up while you are away.

Risk of Danger

There are lots of dangers of leaving the power supply in your home. For instance, if you leave the power supply on in your home and there is a surge in the power from the back end, it is possible that many of your devices are damaged due to the surge in power. If you turn off the power, you might save your devices from significant damages. Turning off the power limits the dangers of leaving your home unattended.

If you are not in favor of turning off the power entirely, there are other ways you can limit the consumption of power. Let's take a look at all the things you can do to save energy while you are away.

How to Save Energy While You're On Vacation?

Install a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can come in handy when you are going away on vacation. It usually comes with a vacation mode that allows it to sense that you are away and you can access it using your phone. If you want to tamper with the temperatures while you are away, you can do that using your smartphones. Moreover, you can set it to the temperature you want when you get back. This means that you will actually get a warm welcome when you return home from your vacation.

Use Timers for Lights

Many people like to keep a few lights on when they go away for long periods of time as a security measure. Keeping your lights on during the day is an absolute waste; this is why our electrician Vancouver suggests that you install lights with timers so that they turn on and off just when you need them.

Draw Your Curtains

Radiant heat can interfere with the temperatures inside your home, to keep them in check; you can draw your curtains before you leave. This will keep the radiant heat away and you can maintain the temperatures within your home.

Stuff Your Fridge

Many people think it is best to keep your fridge empty, however; it is the other way around. Stuffing your fridge with food will help increase its efficiency and it will not use up a lot of power. If you don't want to keep perishables, you can simply place jugs or pitchers to use up the empty space.

Turn Off Water Heaters

Water heaters consume a lot of energy. It is best to turn off your water heater before you leave as nobody is going to use the water while you are away and you will be able to save a lot of energy!

Arthur Kavanagh